

Follow a stringer uncovering leads revealing a worldwide undergound network linking expensive Chinese contemporary art, money laundering, arms trafficking and a new, as yet unknown force that is shaking up the international illicit narcotics trade -- and the law enforcement elements tracking them.

Is it fact or fiction? As names and the stories associated with them progressively populate the story page, let your own research be the guide and win special content access for a chance to attend exclusive events in your area.


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"This is great. It's like the GAME." Robert Pratten, Transmedia Storyteller Ltd.
"...brilliant. Everyone I show it to says its just great and intriguing." Scott Mollan, Creative Director, Saatchi / Ogilvy / Dentsu / McCann Erickson / JWT / many others.
"Hi, this couldn't be true!... I saw her (was she the one in brown low cut sexy dress?) talking to people at party!" Asia Ruan, Subscriber / Participant, Beijing

Interactive Reality Entertainment (IRE)

"Faction" is a transmedia project in partnership with the following organizations and individuals.

Learn More about Interactive Reality Entertainment
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Shannon Lowell Frady
Transmedia Producer

Son of Pulitzer-nominated civil rights journalist Marshall Frady, Shannon grew up in New York City and most recently lived in Beijing for seven years before returning to the U.S. in 2008.

With a strong commercial background producing and shooting for international clients including IBM, Shell Oil, Getty Images and many others, Shannon’s sense of story and technical proficiencies as a DP, operator and editor contribute to a powerful media skillset.



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